Meet the team

At PSTS, we understand that training is only as effective as the trainers delivering it. That's why we exclusively engage experienced trainers with backgrounds as investigators, inspectors, police officers, lawyers, or compliance officers.

Meet the team

At PSTS, we understand that training is only as effective as the trainers delivering it. That’s why we exclusively engage experienced trainers with backgrounds as investigators, inspectors, police officers, lawyers, or compliance officers. This ensures that our clients receive training from professionals who have hands-on experience in the field.

Our experienced trainers have worked as investigators, inspectors, police officers, lawyers, or compliance officers, bringing a wealth of real-world knowledge to our training programs. At PSTS, we are committed to delivering high-quality training that empowers public sector employees to perform their roles with confidence and competence.

Sonya Krishnan

CEO & Lead Trainer

Sonya Krishnan, the founder of Public Sector Training Solutions in 2009, is a prominent figure in the field of government investigations. Her extensive experience in public sector prosecutions and investigations has earned her a reputation as a subject matter expert in training best practices.

Prior to establishing PSTS, Sonya practiced at a leading law firm in Perth before joining the public service at the Department of Commerce. She then spent nine years at the Department of Environment & Conservation, WA (DEC), where she held a senior role as the manager of the Legal Services Branch at the executive level. Later, she served as the Assessment and Compliance Manager at the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) for two years before pursuing her passion for training and development.

In recognition of her expertise, Sonya was appointed as the Chair of the Legal Cluster for The Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators Network (AELERT). She continues to promote best practices in investigation and statutory compliance at a national level.

Whilst no longer a practising lawyer Sonya’s wealth of experience has positioned her as a subject matter expert in regulatory and administrative (HR) investigations. She served as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee – Inspection, offering best practice advice on the improvement of The Diploma of Government National Accredited Training.  Her expertise and dedication to the field have made her an invaluable asset to the training industry.

Not sure where to start?

Contact us to discuss your requirements and find out how we can help.